Hedwig Ombunda


Coordinator- TPIA, & Lecturer School of Education, Arts & Social Sciences, KCA Univesity

Staff E-mail Address


Academic Qualification

  • Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (ongoing)
  • Master of Education in Educational Psychology
  • Bachelor of Education (Arts) in English and Literature


Hedwig is an educational psychologist with a decade of successful experience in teaching and mentoring students. She is the pioneer chairperson of the department of Educational and Psychological Studies in the School of Education, Arts, & Social Sciences at KCA University. She has research interests are in mental health, gender, social comparison, motivation, student engagement, access to education, participation in education, completion rates in education, and nutrition. she has collaborated with other academics on many projects dealing with the cited topics. She has also participated in mental health awareness workshops inside and outside KCA University with the aim of helping students and employees manage their mental health. She is currently doing a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology.

Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications

Research Interest

  • Mental health
  • Social comparison
  • Access, Participation, and Completion rates in education

Consultancies and Research

  • The IFAS and Calcium supplementation in pregnancy in Kakamega North
  • The impact of gender-based policies and programs on access, participation and completion rates of female students in universities

Current Research Project(s)

  • Public versus Private Universities Study

Conferences & Chapters

  • KCAU Interdisciplinary conference
  • Online Pedagogy Workshop
  • Fundamentals of grant writing workshop
  • Manuscript writing Workshop
  • Mixed methods research training workshop
Hedwig Ombunda
Hedwig Ombunda