Senior Lecturer – Educational Psychology and Dean
Staff E-mail Address
Academic Qualification
- PhD. (Educational Psychology) Kenyatta University
- M.Ed ( Guidance and Counseling) Kenyatta University
- B.Ed ( Arts) Moi University
Dr. Priscilla Gachigi is the Dean of the School of Education, Arts & Social Sciences at KCA University. She is a renowned academician and a specialist in Education and Communication. Dr. Gachigi has vast experience in teaching, research, and consultancy work in both local and international contexts. As the Dean, she is responsible for providing academic and administrative leadership to the School, ensuring that the School’s goals and objectives are achieved. Dr. Gachigi is committed to ensuring that students receive quality education and that faculty members are equipped with the necessary resources to deliver quality teaching and research. Her passion for education and her vast experience make her an invaluable asset to KCA University’s School of Education, Arts & Social Sciences.
Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications
- Gachigi, P.N. (2018). Academic Motivation, self-Concept and Resilience as predictors of Mathematics Achievement of Secondary school students in Nairobi County, Kenya.
- Mwathi, D.W., Gachigi, P.N. & Njiiri, J.M. (2018).Cognitive Reading Strategy use as a Determinant of Reading Comprehension Performance among Form Three Students in Kiambu County, Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Education.
- Mwathi,D.M, Gachigi, P.N., Dinga,& Kigen, E. (2018). Metacognitive Knowledge as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension among Form Three Students in Kiambu County, Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Education
- Priscilla Gachigi Njoki1 , Dakota King-White2 , Theresia Kinai3 & Edward Kigen4. (2019). Assessing the Correlation Between Academic Self-Concept and Mathematics Achievement in Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Learning; Vol. 8(3).,
- Macmbinji, O. & Gachigi, P.N. (2022). Art-Based Intervention in Determining the Quality of Life of Children with Autism and Their Parents in the Context of Educational Services in Kenya: A Systematic Review of Literature.
- Macmbinji, V. & Gachigi, P.N. (2022). Systematic Review of Literature on Societal perceptions of the Quality of life of Children with Autism. Journal of Integrated Sciences. 3(1). 130-153.
Research Interest
- Motivation,
- Metacognition,
- Attitudes,
- Mental health and
- adolescent psychology
Current Research Project(s)
- Students satisfaction in remote engagement,
- Psychosocial impacts of Covid-19
- Academic Self-concept, Motivation and Resilience as Predictors of Mathematics Achievement of Secondary School Students in Nairobi County, Kenya.
Research Topics
- Educational psychology,
- Educational technology,
- Instructional methods,
- Research methods,
- Early childhood Education and counselling psychology
Conferences & Chapters
- U Michigan Global Feminisms Oct. 9, 2021 conference on Teaching with Global Feminisms Resources
- 11th Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference June 23 to 26, 2021
- 12th Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference June 23rd-25th 2021 held at Multimedia University, Kenya. Development and change in Africa.
- University of Michigan. Virtual Exchange Gathering March 19 +, 2020 Conference
- 17TH-19TH OCTOBER 2019 International conference on Accounting Finance and Information Technology (ICAFIT ) in KCA University
- 4TH-5TH OCTOBER 2018 5TH International Annual Conference on Education and Lifelong Learning in Kenyatta University, Kenya.