Lecturer /Director, Teaching Practice and Industrial Attachment
Staff E-mail Address
Academic Qualification
- Ph.D., (Mass Communication)- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture&Technology- JKUAT
- Masters (Kiswahili) – Kenyatta University
- Ed (Arts) – Kenyatta University
Dr. Munuku is a language, communication and digital media lecturer with over 15 years experience in university pedagogy. She is also a consultant editor, translator and interpreter. She has special interest in student guidance and mentorship. Her research and teaching interests are corporate communication, news writing and editing, public relations, media, gender and culture, social media discourse and storytelling, language interaction and language influence as well as digital media marketing and content creation
Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications
- Munuku, A.W. (2022). Matumizi ya Lugha katika Mimu (memes) kwenye Mitandao ya Kijamii Nchini Kenya. In, International Journal of Linguistics, Vol 3 (1) pp 30-49
- Munuku, A.W. (2016). Code-Switching in the Contemporary Kiswahili Rap Song. In Beder Scientific Journal of Education Sciences, 11 (1).pp.101-131, 30 April 2016.
- Munuku, A.W., Mberia, H.K. & Ndavula, J. (2017). Influence of Hashtag Framing on Public Opinion Formation on Socio-political Issues in Kenya. In, International Journal of Communication and Public Relations [S.I.], V.2, n.2, pp. 70-88, Dec 2017. ISSN 2520-7989.
- Munuku, A.W., Mberia, H.K. & Ndavula, J. (2017). Influence of Hashtag Context on Public Opinion Formation on Socio-political Issues in Kenya. In, Journal of Public Policy and Administration, [S.1], V.2, no.3, pp. 27-51 Dec 2017.
Research Interest
- Digital media studies
- Translation dynamics and trends
- Language interaction
- Critical discourse analysis
- Social media discourse
- Media and gender issues
- Kiswahili and media studies
Conferences & Chapters
Book Chapters:
- Munuku, A. (2020). “Technology and the Teaching of Kiswahili: The Role of Digital Devices and the Media” In, Oxford University Press East Africa (OUPEA) WHITE WORKING PAPER (2020): Teaching and Learning Kiswahili in Kenyan Schools: A 21st Century Approach.”. Oxford University Press.PP. 3-19
- Munuku, A.W., Ojiambo, J. & Muganda, A.J. (2022). Social Constructivism and Participative Learning Beyond the Traditional Classroom During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Kenyan Case Study. In, Teaching and Learning with Digital Technologies in Higher Education Institutions in Africa: Case Studies from a Pandemic Context.Routledge
Conferences/Seminars/Training/ Workshops
- 11-12th October, 2022: Interdisciplinary Conference on Innovations and Sustainability: Leveraging on Innovations to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. KCA University.
- 3rd December, 2021: High Level Workshop: Research and Innovation Commercialization and Sustainability of Research Centres and Institutions of Higher Learning, organized by Kenya National Innovation Agency (KENIA) at Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi.
- 11th-12th November 2021: Kiswahili Writers and Scholars Workshop, hosted by The Ministry of Sports, Culture and National Heritage, Haddasah Hotel, Nairobi
- 14th -16th October 2021: The 6th Annual East African Communication Association Virtual Conference, hosted by The Faculty of Journalism, Media and Communication, Uganda Christian University.Conference Theme: Re-imagining The Future of Media and Communication in a Pandemic Context Sub-theme: Infodemics and Covid-19. Paper Presented: Diffusion of Covid-19 Misinformation in Kenyan Twitter Conversations- by Anne Munuku and John Ndavula
- 20th -22nd September, 2021: Teachers Service Commission Service Providers Workshop on Teacher Professional Development (TPD) at The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA), Karen, Nairobi.
- 8th -11th May 2018: Conference on the Empowerment of Endorois Community Women, Lake Bogoria Spa, Baringo, Kenya. Role: Simultaneous Swahili-English interpreter
- 6th-8th September 2017: The first East Africa Kiswahili Commission Conference, Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania . Conference Theme: Transforming the East African Community through Kiswahili Sub-theme: Kiswahili, Media and Public Spaces. Papers Presented:
- A critical Discourse Analysis of Memes Created by Kenyans in Social Media
- Social Media and Technological Violence Against Women in Kenya
- 15th-16th October 2015: International Kiswahili Conference by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA), Mount Kenya University, Kenya Role: Part of the organizing team and co-editor of the conference proceedings