Albert Ochieng’


Tutorial Fellow,

Staff E-mail Address

Academic Qualification

  • Ph.D., Kenyatta University (Ongoing)
  • MA 2016, Kenyatta University
  • BA 2012, Kenyatta University


Albert Ochieng’ is a tutorial fellow in the Department of Educational and Psychological Studies at KCA University. He has participated in several studies on state fragility, cattle rustling, extractive industries, peacebuilding, freedom of religion and belief, and gender issues. Albert has a research interest in governance, international relations, comparative politics, peace, and security studies. He is currently a doctoral candidate at Kenyatta University.

Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications

Book Chapters

  • Okinda. A. O. (2021). “Higher Education in Kenya and COVID-19 Pandemic: Old Issues, New Challenges, and Prospects.” In Amutabi, M. & Bore. M. (Eds.). Giant Steps in the Development of Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications. Pp. 168-179. ISBN 978-9966-116-51-2.
  • Okinda. A.O. and Mwangi. S. (2019) “International Criminal Court and Nation Building in Africa.” In The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence: Remembering the Marginalised and Forgotten Issues and Actors; 1963-2016. Langaa Research & Publishing Common Initiative Group. ISBN-10, ISBN-13. Available at:
  • Ndiiri. W. & Okinda. A.O. (2019). “The President who never was: Joseph Martin Shikuku (1933-2012).” In The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence: Remembering the Marginalised and Forgotten Issues and Actors; 1963-2016. Langaa Research & Publishing Common Initiative Group. ISBN-10, ISBN-13. Available at:

Journal Publication

Published Conference Proceeding

  • Amenya, C. & Okinda, A. (2017). International Conference on Extractive Industries in Africa: Addressing Conflicts and Integrating Sustainable Development. Nairobi: Hekima University College.

Research Interest

  • International Relations
  • Gender Relations
  • Governance
  • Comparative Politics

Conferences & Chapters

  • September 14th, 2021: Presented a paper on ‘Governing by use of parallel security regimens: The case of pastoral communities along the Ilemi Triangle’ under the theme History Meets Demography: Resource Contestations, Mobility, Citizenship And Conflict In Uganda’s Albertine Region And Beyond, at an Early Career Research Leader Fellowship (ECRLF) dissemination workshop held in Makerere University, Uganda
  • June 23rd – 26th, 2021 Presented a paper on Old issues, New Challenges: an appraisal of Higher Education in Kenya during COVID-19’ virtually organized by the African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA) & Multimedia University of Kenya.
  • December 11th-14th, 2019: Presented a paper on ‘To What a Gender Responsive/Mainstreaming Conflict Resolution Agenda for the Greater Horn of Africa ‘under the theme Significance of Women’s participation in formal and informal peace-making activities at a Conference held in Ethiopia, organized by the Greater Horn Horizon Forum (GHHF) with the support of the Political Division of the U.N. and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
  • December 7th – 8th, 2017: Presented a paper on ‘Kazi kwa vijana pesa kwa wazee: reorienting Kenyan youth into productive labour, the jubilee agenda’ at the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA)
  • November 16th – 17th, 2016: Presented a paper, ‘The 1951 U.N. convention on refugees, insecurity and Kenya’s refugee policy since 1990’ at Kenyatta University
  • November 2014: Presented a paper on ‘Terrorism in Kenya’ at Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR)
  • July 2014: Presented a paper on ‘the importance of Horn of Africa in the fight against global Terrorism’ at a Conference held at Kenyatta University sponsored by the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA)
  • October 2013: Presented a paper on ‘The Importance of Traditional Methods in Conflict Resolution’ at Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR)

Consultancies and Research

  • Freedom of Religion and Belief in Isiolo
  • Mount Elgon Conflict: Dynamics, Drivers, and The Mabanga Peace Accord
  • Reflective Peace Practice: Interactive Baseline Survey on Peace Practice in Kenya

Conferences/Seminars/Training/ Workshops

Writing Workshop

  • July 16th-17th, 2019: Selected participant for writing workshop training on ‘Interdisciplinary and collaborative research on peace and security: Publishing and grant writing workshop for Early Career Researchers in Eastern Africa’ by The African Leadership Centre, King’s College London (U.K.), in conjunction with the Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations and funded by the British Academy


  • 2020, Institute of Advanced Studies, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Fellow
Albert Ochieng’